Results for 'Mieke Van Houtte *'

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  1.  73
    Why boys achieve less at school than girls: the difference between boys' and girls' academic culture.Mieke Van Houtte * - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (2):159-173.
    Recently, research into gender differences in achievement has mainly concentrated on the underperformance of boys in comparison with girls. Qualitative research in particular points to the importance of the gender-specific cultures adolescents experience. The purpose of this article is to test quantitatively the explanatory value of academic culture with respect to the stated gender differences in achievement. Use is made of data of 3760 pupils in the third and the fourth year of secondary education in a sample of 34 schools (...)
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  2.  50
    Why boys achieve less at school than girls: the difference between boys' and girls' academic culture.Mieke Van Houtte* - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (2):159-173.
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  3.  19
    Understanding the gender gap in school (dis)engagement from three gender dimensions: the individual, the interactional and the institutional.Mieke Van Houtte - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-19.
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    Minority Students’ Responses to Racism: The Case of Cyprus.Peter A. J. Stevens, Panayiota Charalambous, Evgenia Mesaritou, Spyros Spyrou, Lore Van Praag, Fanny D’Hondt, Roselien Vervaet & Mieke Van Houtte - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (1):77-95.
    While research has focused on the role of racism in (re)producing ethnic/racial inequalities in education, there is very little research that investigates how variability in minority students’ responses to racism can be explained. By using an ecological approach to integrate existing research on actors’ responses to racism, this study finds that researchers have generally neglected factors and processes situated at the micro- and meso-levels of analysis. Qualitative interview data with Turkish–Cypriot children enrolled in schools in the predominantly Greek-speaking part of (...)
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  5.  98
    Epistemology for interdisciplinary research – shifting philosophical paradigms of science.Mieke Boon & Sophie Van Baalen - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):16.
    In science policy, it is generally acknowledged that science-based problem-solving requires interdisciplinary research. For example, policy makers invest in funding programs such as Horizon 2020 that aim to stimulate interdisciplinary research. Yet the epistemological processes that lead to effective interdisciplinary research are poorly understood. This article aims at an epistemology for interdisciplinary research, in particular, IDR for solving ‘real-world’ problems. Focus is on the question why researchers experience cognitive and epistemic difficulties in conducting IDR. Based on a study of educational (...)
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  6.  26
    Vulnerable Workers’ Employability Competences: The Role of Establishing Clear Expectations, Developmental Inducements, and Social Organizational Goals.Mieke Audenaert, Beatrice Van der Heijden, Neil Conway, Saskia Crucke & Adelien Decramer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):627-641.
    Using an ethical approach to the study of employability, we question the mainstream approach to career self-direction. We focus on a specific category of employees that has been neglected in past research, namely vulnerable workers who have been unemployed for several years and who have faced multiple psychosocial problems. Building on the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity model, we examine how establishing clear expectations, developmental inducements, and social organizational goals can foster employability competences of vulnerable workers. Our study took place in the particularly relevant (...)
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  7.  9
    De homogene regeringen 1950-1954.Jean Van Houtte - 1983 - Res Publica 25 (4):595-606.
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  8.  15
    Research Report: Conflicts of Interest in Law Firms in Belgium.Jean Van Houtte - 2009 - Legal Ethics 12 (2):207.
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  9.  52
    Boekbesprekingen.L. Dequeker, J. Lambrecht, G. te Stroete, W. Beuken, P. Smulders, R. Mennes, Jos Vercruysse, P. Fransen, F. Tillmans, F. de Grijs, B. Van Dorpe, A. Poncelet, J. H. Nota, W. Thijs, F. De Graeve, H. Berghs, H. van Luijk, A. A. Derksen, H. Fink, F. Van Neste, A. J. Leijen, M. De Tollenaere, Frank De Graeve, G. Dierickx, R. Hostie, J. Besemer, G. Wilkens, P. G. van Breemen, J. Van Houtte, R. van Kessel, J. Kerkhofs & R. Ceusters - 1971 - Bijdragen 32 (1):75-115.
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  10.  19
    De antwerpse socialistische federatie van 1914 tot 1921 : de evolutie van haar positie in een verhouding tot de BWP.Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1967 - Res Publica 9 (1):29-85.
  11.  18
    De school in dienst van de democratie?Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1968 - Res Publica 10 (2):189-210.
  12.  39
    Boekbesprekingen.J. -M. Tison, F. Bosenduin, P. Fransen, J. Van Nuland, P. Smulders, A. Poncelet, J. Van Torre, C. Traets, L. Bakker, J. Kerkhofs, F. Van Neste, L. Van Bladel, C. Verhaak, P. Grootens, H. Robbers, L. Vander Kerken, P. Verdeyen, M. De Tollenaere, H. Meddens, N. Sprokel, H. van der Lee, F. Vandenbussche, A. Cauwelier, J. Kijm, J. Van Houtte, J. Vanneste, P. van Doornik, H. Berghs & P. Penning de Vries - 1963 - Bijdragen 24 (1):92-116.
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  13.  54
    Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative.Lawrence R. Schehr, Christine van Boheemen & Mieke Bal - 1988 - Substance 17 (1):83.
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  14.  17
    l 965-1968 - Drie jaar politiek overzicht.Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1969 - Res Publica 11 (1):7-30.
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  15.  16
    Party and opposition formation in Belgium.Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1967 - Res Publica 9 (3):413-435.
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  16.  14
    De invloed van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen op de nationale politieke machtskonstellatie.Bert De Bakker & Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (3):457-475.
    According to the standards of public law, municipal polls have only a local scope : the election of a common council. Do politicians make deductions concerning the formal political power-constellation on national level either from the approach of municipal elections or from their results? Can these elections lead to changes in or of the government and eventually to anticipated legislative elections?After the first world-war, the electorate was called eight times to vote for new common councillors. Half of these elections had (...)
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  17.  47
    Medical evidence and health policy: a marriage of convenience? The case of proton pump inhibitors.Mieke L. Van Driel, Robert Vander Stichele, Jan De Maeseneer, An De Sutter & Thierry Christiaens - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):674-680.
    Rationale In Belgium, several policies regulating reimbursement of acid suppressant drugs and evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice were issued in a short period of time, creating a unique opportunity to observe their effect on prescribing. Aims and objectives To describe the evolution of prescriptions for acid suppressants and explore the interaction of policies and practice recommendations with prescribing patterns. Method Monthly claims-based data for proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H-2-antihistamines by general practitioners, internists and "astroenterologists were obtained from the Belgian (...)
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  18.  18
    Tinkering as Collective Practice: A Qualitative Study on Handling Ethical Tensions in Supporting People with Intellectual or Psychiatric Disabilities.Marjolijn Heerings, Hester van de Bovenkamp, Mieke Cardol & Roland Bal - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (1):36-53.
  19.  7
    De rationaliteit van het overheidsmanagement in het Belgisch politiek systeem.Mieke Van Haegendoren - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (4):509-517.
    Rational public decision-making is nearly impossible for two reasons : the organisational complexity of public services and the existence of two circuits, a political one, and an administrativeone.Moreover, public decisions are made by different pressure groups, and from different decision centres. In Belgium the impact of political parties is steadily increasing, up to the point where they function as master-organisations that have set up their own institutions to carry out public tasks. In thesocio-economie field the government acts more often as (...)
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  20.  13
    Vrouwelijke en mannelijke kandidaten bij de verkiezingen van 24 november 1991 in Vlaanderen.Mieke Van Haegendoren - 1993 - Res Publica 35 (2):147-158.
    This article deals with the differences that exist between the profile of Flemish male and female political candidates placed on election-lists. The survey, held amongst all female and male political candidates, shows that male candidates find themselves in a more favourable position due to the accumulation of small gender differences in education, professional and domestic life.Male candidates more often have university degrees and leading functions resulting in more important relations. They are better represented both in the party structure and in (...)
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  21.  12
    Veranderingen in het Belgische partijenstelsel van 1945 tot 1980.Mieke Van Haegendoren - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (1):29-45.
    The major changes in the Belgian partysystem occurred within the context of the rise of the welfare state. Most welfare provisions were subcontracted to the different «zuil» organisations, with their political parties functioning as masterorganisation.The contrasts between «catholic» Flanders and «red» Wallonia dominated the political agenda, and led up to the fractionalisation of the party-system. The political positions of the parties remained unchanged : ascendancy of the catholics, challenged by the socialists, with the liberals holding the balance, and communists and (...)
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  22.  12
    Big Things Often Have Small Beginnings: A Review on the Development, Use and Value of Small and Big Corpora for Flemish Sign Language Linguistic Research.Beatrijs Wille, Inez Beukeleers, Mieke Van Herreweghe & Myriam Vermeerbergen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In 1990, Vermeerbergen started the first larger-scale corpus study with spontaneous language data from adult signers on the morpho-syntactic aspects of Flemish Sign Language. After this, a number of lexicographic projects, including the collection of a 90-h corpus, led to the launch of the first online bilingual Dutch/VGT—VGT/Dutch dictionary in 2004. Since then, researchers have developed several corpora of variable sizes, with the greatest realization being the VGT Corpus. The main focus of this chapter is twofold. On the one hand (...)
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  23.  51
    Production and Comprehension of Pantomimes Used to Depict Objects.Karin van Nispen, W. Mieke E. van de Sandt-Koenderman & Emiel Krahmer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  24.  71
    Quality of care: the need for medical, contextual and policy evidence in primary care.Mieke L. van Driel, An I. De Sutter, Thierry C. M. Christiaens & Jan M. De Maeseneer - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (5):417-429.
  25.  31
    Awareness of the saccade goal in oculomotor selection: Your eyes go before you know.Wieske van Zoest & Mieke Donk - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):861-871.
    The aim of the present study was to investigate how saccadic selection relates to people’s awareness of the saliency and identity of a saccade goal. Observers were instructed to make an eye movement to either the most salient line segment or the only right-tilted element in a visual search display. The display was masked contingent on the first eye movement and after each trial observers indicated whether or not they had correctly selected the target. Whereas people’s awareness concerning the saliency (...)
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  26.  34
    The Rhetoric of Sincerity.Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal & Carel Smith (eds.) - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    The essays in this volume demonstrate how the performance of sincerity is culturally specific and is enacted in different ways in different media and disciplines, including law and the arts.
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  27.  14
    The socialist party in the party system and in organised socialism in Belgium.Bert De Bakker & Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (2):237-247.
  28.  55
    Lost in medical treatment: doctoring with borders.Annelies van Heijst, Carlo J. W. Leget & Mieke Visser - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):54-61.
  29.  24
    Losing the world knowingly: Jean-Baptiste Fressoz: L’apocalypse joyeuse: Une histoire du risque technologique. Paris: Le Seuil, 2012, 320pp, €23.30 PB Rosalind Williams: The Triumph of human empire: Verne, Morris and Stevenson at the end of the world. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013, 432pp, $30.00 HB.Mieke van Hemert - 2014 - Metascience 23 (3):517-523.
    Modernity is Apocalyptic in essence. This assertion is stated nowhere in The Triumph of Human Empire by Rosalind Williams, nor in l’Apocalypse Joyeuse by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz. But it is everywhere on the pages of these books, which recount the ambivalence with which the project of Modernity and its technological feats has been received in specific times and places, notably nineteenth century Europe. Essence here is not to be understood as transcendental a-historical necessity, but as unfolding historical ontology. Despite contingencies, the (...)
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  30.  11
    Mutations du système des partis en Belgique de 1945 à 1980.Mieke Van Haegendoren - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (1):23-27.
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  31.  11
    Waarheen met de verzorgingsstaat?Romke van der Veen, Judith van der Veer & Mieke Vogels - 2014 - Res Publica 56 (2):253-267.
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  32.  35
    Filosofie van de ingenieurswetenschappen.Mieke Boon - 2003 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 95 (3):190-198.
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  33.  29
    Boekbespreking: Snippers in ons hoofd. Bespreking van: Kwa, Chunglin, De ontdekking van het weten: een andere geschiedenis van wetenschap.Mieke Boon - 2007 - Filosofie En Praktijk 28 (2):54-58.
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  34.  75
    Wetenschappelijk begrijpen: structureren en conceptualiseren.Mieke Boon - 2011 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 51 (2):32-39.
    ‘Aha! Zo zit het in elkaar! Nu begrijp ik het! Waarom heb ik dat niet eerder gezien?’ ‘Kwantummechanica is niet te begrijpen, het is onvoorstelbaar, maar je kunt er wel goed mee rekenen.’ Twee even herkenbare als spiegelbeeldige uitspraken over begrijpen in de wetenschap. Begrijpen lijkt een psychologische toestand te zijn die wordt opgeroepen als we door de dingen kunnen heen kijken. De metafoor van zien verwijst naar een invloedrijke Platonistische notie: het schouwen van een diepere, echtere realiteit. Wetenschappelijk begrijpen (...)
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  35.  13
    Morfologie van de Vlaamse politieke partijen in 1989 en 1990.Mieke Verminck - 1991 - Res Publica 33 (3-4):523-584.
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    Morphologie van de Vlaamse politieke partijen in 1987 en 1988.Mieke Verminck - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (3):385-440.
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    Morfologie van de Vlaamse politieke partijen in 1985 en 1986.Mieke Verminck - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (3):449-508.
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    Het gebruik van de voorkeurstem bij de parlementsverkiezingen van 13 oktober 1985.Mieke Verminck - 1986 - Res Publica 28 (2):235-260.
    At the genera! elections in Belgium, the voter bas the possibility to bring out a vote for a party or a vote for a candidate of the party. At the general elections of October 13, 1985, for the House of Representatives, the voters have voted for 48 % by preference, whereas, for the Senate 38 % of them have done so. The use of preferential votes is varying from one electoral district to another: from 66 % in the district of (...)
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  39.  9
    Statistisch overzicht van het politieke jaar 1985.Mieke Verminck - 1986 - Res Publica 28 (3):421-439.
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  40.  8
    Statistisch overzicht van het politieke jaar 1989.Mieke Verminck - 1990 - Res Publica 32 (2-3):229-254.
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    Statistisch overzicht van het politieke jaar 1988.Mieke Verminck - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (3):335-357.
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  42.  12
    Statistisch overzicht van het politieke jaar 1987.Mieke Verminck - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (2-3):233-256.
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    Statistisch overzicht van het politieke jaar 1986.Mieke Verminck - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (3):383-402.
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    Morfologie van de Belgische politieke partijen- Morphologie des partis politiques belges 1970-1985.Wilfried Dewachter, Mieke Verminck, Marc Maes, Erwin Das & Ingrid Vanhoren - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (4):481-698.
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  45.  16
    De machtsbases van België in de internationale politiek.Wilfried Dewachter & Mieke Verminck - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (1):21-27.
    Based on a extensive computation of power capabilities, the position of Belgium in international politics can reliably be assessed. Belgium belongs to a first stratum of followers states. Its best functional fields are international economie relations and those concerning science and technology. A globalisation of all functional fields runs at the expense of its international position.A splitting up of the country would relegate the emerging states, Flanders and Wallonia, to the second more numerous stratum of still less powerfull followers. Whereas (...)
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  46.  43
    The Politics of CitationThe Colonial HaremWildheid en Beschaving: De Europese Verbeelding van AfrikaDifference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness. [REVIEW]Mieke Bal, Malek Alloula, Myrna Godzich, Wlad Godzich, Raymond Corbey & Sander Gilman - 1991 - Diacritics 21 (1):24.
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  47.  9
    Het pathos van het denken: opstellen over subjectiviteit en intersubjectiviteit.Marc van den Bossche - 2012 - Brussel: VUBPress.
    Pleidooi voor de beleving als kennis-instrument.
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  48.  36
    Care, compassion and recognition: an ethical discussion.Carlo Leget, Chris Gastmans & Marian Verkerk (eds.) - 2011 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Since Carol Gilligan's In a Different Voice (1982) the ethics of care has developed as a movement of allied thinkers, in different continents, who have a shared concern and who reflect on similar topics. This shared concern is that care can only be revalued and take its societal place if existing asymmetrical power relations are unveiled, and if the dignity of care givers and care receivers is better guaranteed, socially, politically and personally. In this first volume of a new series (...)
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  49.  12
    Exploding Aesthetics.Annette W. Balkema & Henk Slager (eds.) - 2001 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Today, many visual artists are giving the cold shoulder to the static, isolated concept of visual art and searching instead for novel, dynamic connections to different image strategies. Because of that, visual art and aesthetics are both forced to reconsider their current positions and their traditional apparatus of concepts. In that process, many questions surface. To mention a few: Could the characteristics of an artistic image and its specific manner of signification be determined in a world which is entirely aesthetisized? (...)
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  50. Problems from Kant.James van Cleve - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):637-640.
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